Job Advertisement – Health Markets Advisor
1. Join our dynamic team
Halcyon designs, delivers and evaluates global health solutions through localized expertise. Headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, we have experience in more than 20 countries and working for numerous international clients. We are a leader in health markets and the private health sector with extensive experience from multiple countries across Africa. Some of our recent work includes assessing the private health sector in Somalia and supporting the government to initiate the country’s first public-private dialogue process, helping state Ministries of Health (MoHs) in Nigeria to develop health market strategic plans and refine their commodity systems, and to assess the potential for new health products to be introduced into health markets in East and Southern Africa. We also have extensive experience strengthening Kenya’s health market, working with the private sector and the MoH to expand health choices, introduce new health technologies and develop national initiatives that facilitate the public and private sector collaboration. Building on our experience, Halcyon was recently selected as a core partner to PS Kenya and the recently-awarded USAID Private Sector Engagement (PSE) program.
2. The USAID Private Sector Engagement program
The PSE program is part of USAID’s new suite of health systems strengthening activities in Kenya. The program will run for five years, from 2023 to 2028, and will work at the national level and in selected counties. To transform Kenya’s health market, the program aims to be innovative, game-changing and to do things differently. Through country-led and -owned partnerships that increase and optimize private sector resources, the program will expand health options equitably and sustainably for the Kenyan population. The private sector will expand the distribution of new health products and technologies, increase the provision of qualityhealthservices,andsupportthelocalmanufacturingofhealthproducts. ThePSE program will strengthen the capacity of the national and country governments to more effectively steward their health markets, and new dynamic financing mechanisms will expand resources and encourage the growth of private sector innovations and solutions. Halcyon’s role on the PSE program will include assessing the health market and key private sector initiatives and providing evidence-based ideas and innovations to address market shortcomings. We will help to facilitate the market and private sector and provide a range of technical support and advisory services to the PSE program, the government of Kenya and other stakeholders. Halcyon will help to bring the public and private sector players together for greater coordination and will support a range of interventions that will increase the quantity and quality of health products and technologies that the private and commercial sector will distribute across Kenya.
3. Help to transform Kenya’s health market
The Health Markets Advisor is a dynamic and diverse senior position that will play a central role in helping to transform Kenya’s health markets. Based in Nairobi, the postholder will serve as Halcyon’s most senior full-time staff on the PSE program and oversee a small team of technical experts and advisors. They will offer technical oversight to health markets facilitation, the implementation of market innovations, provide strategic guidance and facilitate innovative and aligned programming across the USAID PSE program. The postholder will be responsible for overseeing the design and implementation of market-based strategies at the national and county levels as well as identifying strategies that bolster capacity and institutionalization across project activities. They will provide a range of market-focused technical support and advisory services to the program, the government, private sector and other stakeholders, and help facilitate improvements in the health market. TheHealthMarketsAdvisorwillbe responsible for designing and delivering a range of key interventions at the national level and in the counties, including research and assessments, technical briefs, working with the commercial sector to introduce new products and technologies, liaising with the government to increase stewardship and support innovative health financing mechanisms – among others.
In order to help transform Kenya’s health market, Halcyon seeks the very best candidates to take up the role of the Health Market Advisor.
4. We are looking for outstanding candidates
We are interested in hearing from highly qualified and experienced individuals who have the following experience, knowledge and skills.
Strong data analytical skills that can bring together primary and secondary evidence from multiple sources to make compelling arguments
5. How to apply
If you meet the criteria specified above, please send an updated CV and one-sided letter explaining why you are interested in the position in an email marked “Health Markets Advisor” to [email protected] no later than 25th August 2023.
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