ASSIGNMENT TITLE*: Training Facilitator for Farmers Field Schools (groups) trained on Climate Smart Farming on Commercial Production of Export crops and Food crops in Solio Settlement.***
LOCATION*: Laikipia County**, Solio Settlement (Village 3- Bahati, village 5-Mathingira, village 6-Mukandamia, village 7- Baraka).*
Habitat for Humanity Kenya (HFHK) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization dedicated to facilitating access to decent and affordable shelter for low-income families. HFHK has been actively involved in various development programs in Laikipia County and other regions in Kenya since 2016. These programs encompass home construction, water sanitation and hygiene (WASH), school infrastructure, access to finance through savings groups, land rights advocacy and Disaster Risk Reduction and Response.
Habitat for Humanity Kenya (HFHK) under BMZ Lions in Laikipia is implementing a 39-month project to Improve the resilience to climate change for rural people in Solio settlement scheme. The 3-year and three months project aim to rehabilitate non-functioning boreholes in 4 villages, construction of 3 new boreholes and four 1,000m3 water pans to support climate smart farming activities, identification and provision of access to financial services and capacity building of community members on financial skills to ensure good management of income from agriculture and agro-forestry activities.
The project seeks 2 trainers who will facilitate a 4-day community training in Climate Smart Agriculture in Commercial Production of Export crops and Food crops in Solio Settlement. The facilitators will prepare and share training materials with HFHK beforehand for review. They will develop and administer tools to assess the level of knowledge and understanding of Climate Smart Farming before the training and a post evaluation after the training. The facilitators will train the farmers in 4 days, different farmer field groups every day in Solio Settlement.
Day 1- Village 3, Bahati; 4 women groups with an average of 80 members.
Day 2- Village 7, Baraka; 4 women groups with an average of 80 members.
Day 3- Village 6, Mukandamia; 4 women groups with an average of 80 members.
Day 4- Village 5, Mathingira; 4 women groups with an average of 80 members.
Day 5- Comprehensive report Writing and submission of a final report with a summary of key achievements.
The trainers are expected to provide a quality report with quality pictures within 2 days after the training.
Habitat for Humanity Kenya intends to engage 2 trainers who will facilitate a 4-day community training in Climate Smart Agriculture in Commercial Production of Export crops and Food crops in Village 3-Bahati, Village 5- Mathingira, Village 6- Mukandamia and Village 7- Baraka in Solio Settlement in Laikipia County. The primary objectives of the Climate Smart Farming Facilitator are as follows:
Available Budget; is a maximum of Kes 5,000 per day per facilitator for 5 days.
Deliverables and Timelines
The selected facilitator(s) will be responsible for delivering the following:
The training will be held on 25th to 28th March 2025, the facilitators are required to provide a quality report with clear photos after the training alongside the invoice.
Qualifications and experience
The potential Consultant should have the following qualifications.
Application Process:
Please submit a consolidated CV, certificates, cover letter, a detailed work-plan and a detailed financial offer (not more than 7 pages) to; [email protected] indicating Training Facilitator for Farmers Field Schools on Climate Smart Farming on Commercial Production of Export crops and Food crops in Solio, Laikipia as the subject
Tagged as: Habitat for Humanity, Kenya
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