Not rated yetQuiénes somos Somos una asociación de personas que creemos firmemente que la salud es un derecho universal y trabajamos cada día para hacerlo posible. Somos más de 3.747 personas socias, 377 voluntarias y 88 contratadas que…
Center for Operational Analysis and Research
Not rated yetAbout COAR Global Founded and led by those directly affected by conflict, our teams bring international and local researchers together through a participatory approach that discourages hierarchies, and fosters collaboration.
Human Appeal
Not rated yetHuman Appeal est une organisation non gouvernementale d’aide humanitaire. Elle est fondée en 1991 à Manchester, au Royaume-Uni et dirigée actuellement par Mohamed Ashmawey.
Christian Aid
Not rated yetEveryone is equal in the sight of God For over 75 years, this truth has inspired us to stand together in solidarity with our most marginalised global neighbours, of all faiths…
Cowater International
Not rated yetPour un avenir meilleur, un projet à la fois Nous croyons au changement initié et réalisé localement. C’est la force qui anime notre travail et l’inspiration qui nous guide lorsque nous…
Partners for Health and Development in Africa
Not rated yetOver the past 45 years, the University of Manitoba has delivered a large number of STI/HIV/AIDS-related research, prevention, care and support projects and programs in several developing countries, working with…
Fauna & Flora International
Not rated yetFauna and Flora International, est une ONG environnementale spécialisée dans la conservation de la Nature. Elle est fondée en 1903 par un groupe de naturalistes et hommes d’état britanniques en…
Hand in Hand Eastern Africa
Not rated yetHand in Hand Eastern Africa (HiH EA) is registered in Kenya as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). The organization started its operations in 2010 and it boasts 25 operative field offices…
Street Child
Not rated yetwhat we do Street Child works to address all the barriers which prevent a child from being safe, in school and learning. We provide emergency aid and mental health support,…
Natural Justice
Not rated yetNatural Justice: Lawyers for Communities and the Environment est une organisation à but non lucratif basée au Cap, en Afrique du Sud, avec des bureaux supplémentaires à Nairobi, au Kenya,…
Deutsche Welle
Not rated yetLa Deutsche Welle3 (DW ; litt. « l’onde allemande » en allemand) est le service international de diffusion de l’Allemagne. Elle diffuse des émissions de radio par ondes courtes, internet et satellite en trente langues ainsi que des…
Not rated yetAshinaga offre différents soutiens aux étudiants ayant perdu au moins l’un de leurs parents, ainsi qu’aux étudiants dont un parent souffre d’un handicap physique ou mental l’empêchant de travailler. …
Danish Red Cross
Not rated yetThe mother organization of the Danish Red Cross was active in Denmark during the Second Schleswig War in 1864, the first war in which the organization took part. The current Danish Red…
Child’s i Foundation
Not rated yetOrphanages are separating families, fracturing communities, and ultimately harming children. We know change is hard and scary. There are too many orphanages and too few alternatives. They can feel necessary,…
Uganda Society for Disabled Children
Not rated yetUganda Society for Disabled Children (USDC) is a leading non-profit organization dedicated to advocating for the rights and well-being of children and youth with disabilities throughout Uganda. Founded in 1985…