Terms of Reference for Developing, translating an integrated HLP training module for stakeholders and partners.
Purpose of Assignment
Develop an Integrated HLP training Module for stakeholders and partners.
Location of Assignment
Duration of contract
60 days
Start date
From: 16th March 2025
To: 16th May 2025
Reporting to:
I. Introduction.
In Somalia, insecure land tenure poses a complex challenge with significant social, economic, and stability implications. Many IDPs, both in urban and rural areas, face a variety of Housing, Land, and Property (HLP) issues, including forced evictions and discrimination in accessing HLP rights. These challenges are exacerbated by conflict and climate-induced disasters, making it difficult for IDPs to achieve durable solutions.
Efforts are being made by various partners to address HLP issues, but the lack of knowledge and skills among local government and some actors hinders progress in resolving these issues effectively. Through the FCDO and Xaldoon projects, NRC and partners are implementing the DANWADAAG scaling up solution project, which includes among others providing HLP activities aimed at addressing the most critical HLP challenges. One of the key components of this project is building government capacity to in turn improve HLP skills and knowledge among practitioners.
The Danwadaag (meaning common purpose in Somali) Durable Solutions Consortium (https://regionaldss.org/danwadaag), led by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Somalia was established in 2018 with local NGOs (Juba Foundation and GREDO), International NGOs [Concern Worldwide (CWW) and Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)]. The Regional Durable Solutions Secretariat (ReDSS) is the Consortium learning partner. The collective aim of this unique UN/NGO Consortium is to establish long-term solutions to the displacement crisis in Somalia through an area-based, government led, and community driven approach.
In line with these efforts on capacity development in the project, the HLP AoR will support to develop an integrated online training module for local authorities and actors involved in addressing HLP issues, promote collaborative dispute resolution. The module will be translated into Somali language for easy dissemination and will focus on land tenure security, HLP due diligence, women’s access to HLP, customary and statutory procedures for addressing HLP disputes, and inclusion of minority and marginalized groups’ access to HLP. This module will be accessible to HLP actors in Somalia and beyond, providing them with the necessary knowledge and skills to deliver quality HLP trainings and capacity-building initiatives.
This Terms of Reference (TOR) outline the requirements for a consultant to design and develop the HLP training module specifically tailored for HLP actors and leaders. The final product will be available online, in hard copy and audio-visual format, using illustrated images and in different languages to which Somali language will be one of them. This module will enhance the delivery of training content. It will be hosted online on the NRC database and accessible through platforms such as YouTube. While the module will focus on HLP issues in Somalia, it will also have relevance globally, with a primary focus on the legal policy framework on Housing, Land, and Property rights in Somalia, with relevant interactive sections as well as activities.
The consultant hired through this TOR will be responsible for conducting a desk review, writing, and developing the training module, and uploading the final product online. Their expertise will be crucial in ensuring the successful completion of this task.
- Develop a comprehensive HLP training module targeting mainly Legal and Policy framework that aligns with international best practices and standards in the field of housing, land, and property rights.
- Incorporate case studies, real-life examples, and interactive elements to enhance the learning experience and practical application of knowledge.
- Ensure the module covers a wide range of topics, including but not limited to land tenure systems, property rights, housing policies, conflict resolution mechanisms, and gender-sensitive approaches.
- Integrate principles of inclusivity, sustainability, and resilience into the module to address the unique challenges faced by HLP actors and leaders in Somalia.
- Design the module in a way that promotes community engagement, participatory decision-making, and local ownership of HLP initiatives.
Location of Task.
The consultancy will be based in Somalia, with remote work arrangements as necessary. The consultant may be required to travel within Somalia for stakeholder consultations. .
The duration of the consultancy is 60 days, starting from the date of contract signing.
The consultant is expected to deliver the following:
- Detailed booklets (both hard and online summary) of 24 to 68 pages outlining the relevant HLP training topics and brief information on each in a well-organized structure and content, incorporating international best practices and technical expertise (number of hard copies will be determined latter).
- An audio-visual module of 5 minutes per topic with illustrated images covering summary of all key aspects of HLP, including land tenure security, HLP due diligence, women’s access to HLP, customary and statutory procedures for addressing HLP disputes, and inclusion of minority and marginalized groups’ in accessing to HLP as well as cases studies and interactive elements. Something like; https://youtu.be/VsSj2gG4QV4 but can be also different because of the purpose however illustrated, with different images etc.
- A Translated version of the materials in the Somali language for wider dissemination and accessibility.
- Work with global HLP AoR colleagues to upload the same module online for easy access by partners.
- Conduct pilot testing of the module with HLP AoR staff and other target audience and incorporate feedback from technical experts and stakeholders.
The consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:
- Conduct a thorough review of existing literature, guidelines, and technical resources related to HLP training modules.
- Develop a detailed outline and relevant content for the HLP training module, incorporating international best practices and technical expertise.
- Create engaging audio-visual materials with contextualised illustrated images, case studies, and interactive elements to deliver the training content effectively.
- Create hard copy booklet/material with text and illustrated images for other users.
- Translate all materials into the Somali language, ensuring technical accuracy and cultural relevance.
- Conduct pilot testing of the module with technical experts and stakeholders, incorporating feedback for improvements.
- Finalize the HLP training module based on feedback received, ensuring alignment with Local context and other standards.
- Work with global HLP AoR colleagues and upload the module online for easy access by practitioners.
- Hand in hard and soft copies of the training module to the HLP AoR Somalia.
Interface and Reporting:
The consultant will work and interface with the Somalia HLP AoR Coordinator, ICLA Programme Development Manager (PDM) and the global HLP AoR coordinator. He/she will report to for all matters related to the consultancy and submit progress reports as required to the HLP AoR Coordinator in Somalia and the ICLA PDM.
The success of the consultancy will be evaluated based on the quality of the previously developed HLP training modules, its alignment with selected topics and best practices, technical accuracy, and effectiveness in addressing the specific training needs of HLP actors and leaders in Somalia.
The consultant will be paid according to an agreed-upon fee structure and payment schedule outlined in the contract.
Deliverables, timelines and payment schedule
The timelines may be negotiated
Conditions to be met
Schedule of Payment (%) – after conditions for each deliverable are met
- Summary of data from the desk research on the relevant topics (land tenure security, HLP due diligence, women’s access to HLP, customary and statutory procedures for addressing HLP disputes, and inclusion of minority and marginalized groups’ access to HLP) Shared for review (regular interface through phone calls, teams, WhatsApp among others with the HLP AoR, PDM, PM & Regional Advisor is required here)
1 Week
Well summarized information in a paper or power point shared for comments
- A fair copy or summary of the module with the required wording or sentences with a proposed outlook including draft narrative of the Audio Visual
4th Week
A fair copy with draft illustrations and Draft Audio visual and booklet outlook
- Detailed HLP module designed and developed for both online and hard copy and accessible by local authorities and actors on how to address HLP issues and promote collaborative dispute resolution. Copies are translated into Somali language others in English on topics such as land tenure security, HLP due diligence, women’s access to HLP, customary and statutory procedures for addressing HLP disputes, and inclusion of minority and marginalized groups’ access to HLP
6 weeks
Example – reviewed and signed off by NRC technical lead within 2-3 working days
How to apply
- Complete tender documents can be obtained, free of charge, by downloading the documents from the Digital Procurement System (DPS)in the link provided below.https://eaydps.nrc.no/tender/details/9e47cd03-1d30-47b2-af63-e237d8955b44