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Yamikani Malunga Climate smart agriculture Specialist

About Me

I am a mature, proactive, and confident professional with the ability to manage challenging tasks and responsibilities effectively. I approach my work with enthusiasm, courage, and a positive attitude. I excel in collaborative environments as well as in independent settings where minimal supervision is required. I am currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Climate Smart Agriculture at Haramaya University, where I am in my second year of study.


  • Provided technical support to the community in agricultural activities, including crop management, crop protection, conducting field days, supervising farmer fields, and establishing demonstration plots. These efforts have significantly enhanced the livelihood and nutritional status of farmers in the Traditional Authorities of Mkhumba, Nkhulambe, and Jenala in Phalombe District, contributing to food security.
  • Implemented Farmer Field Schools (FFS) extension approaches, thereby building and strengthening the capacity of lead farmers and the rural community on the Participatory Integrated Climate Services Agriculture (PISCA) approach. This has improved livelihoods in the Traditional Authorities of Jenala and Nkhulambe in Phalombe District.
  • Acquired proficiency in data collection utilizing statistical software such as Survey Solutions, Red Cap, C’s Pro, ODK, and Kobo Collect.
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