Voluntās was created from the fundamental belief that all human beings have the inherent right to live a meaningful life. That is why we exist: To realize human potential in all corridors of life – making every workplace, community, and country on the planet full of hope and dignity.
At Voluntās, we are philosophers, anthropologists, psychologists, economists, dramaturgs, sociologists, political scientists, and people of yet other academic backgrounds. What truly unites us is the shared pursuit of understanding human beings and what drives meaning in our one life.
We use our insights to provide evidence-based inspiration, tools, and recommendations for our partners around the world. We advise international organizations, companies, investors, foundations and NGOs on how to drive a meaningful change in societies and organizations. We study social cohesion and peacebuilding in fragile states. We assess leadership and ethics in modern corporations and we facilitate private-public partnerships and collaboration in every sector.