Over the past 45 years, the University of Manitoba has delivered a large number of STI/HIV/AIDS-related research, prevention, care and support projects and programs in several developing countries, working with various governmental, non-governmental and community-based organizations. The program in Kenya was initiated in 1979 in collaboration with the University of Nairobi and now consists of three broad sets of activities. The first is a wide range of research projects, supported by various research funding agencies, which encompass a broad spectrum of STI and HIV-related research. The second area of activity comprises HIV prevention, care and support programs designed to implement the HIV and STI prevention lessons and strategies learned through research efforts and scale up prevention and care efforts. These activities have been funded by various donor agencies over the years, including governmental agencies and private foundations. The third area of activity involves training and capacity building, activities that various donors have also funded. Through these programs, hundreds of Kenyan and international scientists and program implementers have been trained across a broad spectrum of research, clinical, laboratory and public health disciplines.