Effective emergency response begins with robust preparedness. Work with GEG to identify risks, vulnerabilities and put in place planning to mitigate those factors. GEG preparedness services include:
Training (Simulations and Distance Learning)
Risk & Vulnerability Assessments
Strategic Planning
Human Resources Systems (Including Surge Rosters)
Data Systems Design
Supply Chain & Logistics Systems Design (Including Pre-Positioning of Supplies)
GEG can rapidly respond with emergency response operational support that saves lives and reduces suffering. We support our client’s emergency responses so that they are highly effective. GEG response services include:
Needs Assessments
Emergency Operations
Emergency Evacuation of Personnel
Emergency Supply Chain & Logistics
Emergency Telecommunications
Temporary Facility Support (Offices, Equipment & Data)
Data Analysis
Environmental Response & Remediation (Debris Management)
Emergency Sector Expertise
Safety, Security & Duty of Care
Real Time Evaluations
GEG supports affected communities, organizations and companies to recover from a wide range of crisis situations. GEG recovery services include:
Debris Management
Green Recovery
Rehabilitation of Homes & Facilities
Reconstruction of Homes & Facilities
Third Party Monitoring
Evaluations, Reviews & Learning Exercises