For more than 30 years, we have been working in East Africa to empower young people to make their own decisions about sexuality and contraception. At the political level in Germany, the EU, East Africa and in international alliances, we are committed to strengthening sexual and reproductive health and rights, greater gender equality, global health and the fight against poverty-related and neglected diseases.
Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung (DSW) was founded in 1991 by entrepreneurs Erhard Schreiber (†) and Dirk Roßmann from Hannover, to contribute to sustainable population development. The reason for the world’s growing population soon became clear: many women and girls were having more children than they wanted. The human right to family planning therefore became the focus of our work. As young people face particular challenges when it comes to information on sexuality and contraception, they are at the centre of our work.