CAP-Youth Empowerment Institute (YEI) is a non-government organization, which was registered in Kenya in 2011 with the commitment to train the youth out of school in job entry level skills. The training offered at CAP YEI is operationalized and implemented using the Basic Employability Skills Training (BEST) model through public-private partnerships for its sustainability and scalability. BEST model has proved to be effective over the years by providing a responsive, market-based and demand driven approach to employability skills training that can be adapted to different contexts.
CAP Youth Empowerment Institute implements the BEST (Basic, Employability, Skills, Training) (BEST) model through public-private partnerships for its sustainability and scalability. We mobilize and enroll qualified targeted youth by involving grass root government officials, local CBOs, network of youth organizations, youth and community leaders, and religious leaders/gatherings. CAP YEI skills training is guided by labor force demand in each area where our training is located as informed by market scan research and revisits.