Danish International Development Assistance
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Samaritan’s Purse
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Wildlife Conservation Society
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Farsight Africa Group
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Cáritas Española
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Canada patches
Canada patches
Not rated yetBased in Toronto, Canada, Canada Patches is a massive patch retailer. We provide a variety of patches, including name patches, pvc patches, police patches, logo patches, morale patches, customised rocker…
- Rome
Not rated yetINTERSOS est une Organisation Humanitaire Non Gouvernementale, à but non lucratif, qui a l’objectif d’assister les victimes de désastres naturels et de conflits armés. INTERSOS base son action sur les…
- United Kingdom
Not rated yetSightsavers works in more than 30 countries to prevent avoidable blindness and fight for the rights of people with disabilities. We treat eye conditions such as cataracts and tackle debilitating…
- Switzerland
Not rated yetInternational Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies The IFRC was founded in 1919 in Paris in the aftermath of World War I. Originally called the League of Red…
- Québec
Société de Développement International
Not rated yetLa SOCIETE DE DEVELOPPEMENT INTERNATIONAL (SDI) INC est une organisation non-gouvernementale dont le siège social se trouve au Québec (Canada) et des bureaux pays au Mali, au Senegal, en Togo,…
- Paris
Action contre la Faim France
Not rated yetCréée en 1979, notre association loi 1901 (statuts, règlement intérieur) est une organisation non-gouvernementale de solidarité internationale (ONG) – Action contre la Faim – lutte contre la faim dans le…
- Geneva
International Organization for Migration
Not rated yetEstablished in 1951, IOM is part of the United Nations System and stands as the leading intergovernmental organization in the field of migration. With 175 member states, a further 8 states…
- Kampala
African Initiatives for Relief and Development
Not rated yetAfrican Initiatives for Relief and Development (AIRD) was founded in 2006 in Kampala, Uganda by a small group of individuals who envisioned an African-initiated organization that could deliver world-class humanitarian…
Helpcode Italia Onlus
Not rated yetSiamo un’organizzazione che lavora, in Italia e nel mondo, per garantire a ciascun bambino e bambina una scuola di qualità, la protezione di una famiglia e una comunità in cui…
- Norway
Norwegian Church Aid
Not rated yetNorwegian Church Aid is a Norwegian aid organization that works in over 30 countries providing emergency assistance in disasters, long-term development in local communities and changing the root causes of…